The Missing Link's Profile

  • Oct 12, 2007
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Latest comments made by: The Missing Link

  • From: "Sanders, Link" Date: April 18, 2006 1:22:26 PM PDT To: Link Sanders Subject: Emailing: os-x-for-all The message is ready to be sent with the following file or link attachments: Shortcut to: Note: To protect against computer viruses, e-mail programs may prevent sending or receiving certain types of file attachments. Check your e-mail security settings to determine how attachments are handled. You are missing two major points. 1) In the computer world the ability to control both the hardware and software is what makes Apple great and unique. The whole is greater then its parts and there is no truer an example of this then Apple products - Mac computer hardware plus Mac OS X; and iPod plus iTunes software. To separate the hardware and software would but Apple in the same mess that Microsoft is in with other different Wintel computer/MP3 players manufacturers - compatibility problems and the need to support the common over the superior. 2) By Apple switching to the Intel processor Apple is for the first time directly competing with Microsoft and Dell. Apple hardware is now being directly compared to other Intel computer hardware. With Boot Camp, Window OS on Wintel computers can be direct compared to Window OS on Macintel computer. Also the comparison of Window OS and Mac OS X on the same hardware is not being over looked with the introduction of Boot Camp. So to say that "Apple cannot afford to actually compete head on with the likes of Microsoft and Dell" does not carry water. In other words you need to rethink you the bases for your article because you have lost sight of the reality. <> 
    The Missing Link had this to say on Apr 18, 2006 Posts: 1
    OS X for All?